La Garenne in the media.

YEAR 2024
LA CÔTE - La Garenne a dû dire adieu à sa louve "Tima"
LA CÔTE - L'image sur le relâché de l'Effraie des Clochers
LA CÔTE - Le centre de soins reste sur la brèche
YEAR 2023
THE 24 HOURS - A little love nest for the young couple of bearded vultures
ESPRI JOURNAL - Animal shelter
THE COAST – Dried out, nine hundred-year-old beech trees had to be cut down
YEAR 2022
LA CÔTE - A globetrotter to lead La Garenne
TIERWELT - Ganz nah bei den Tieren
THE SIDE - The zoo otter has a new companion
THE SIDE - Health centers stormed
YEAR 2021
LEMATIN.CH - Swiss wildlife can be visited at the La Garenne Zoo
VOICE OF JURA - La Garenne celebrates its fifth anniversary in its new park
THE 24 HOURS - La Garenne acquired an x-ray machine
THE COAST – No, capercaillies are not “crazy”
LE 24 HOURS - The wolf is part of our natural heritage
YEAR 2020
THE COAST - La Garenne: this baby ibex will make you melt
20 MINUTES - Five wild kittens at Zoo La Garenne
LE 24HEURES - Animal parks, cantonal aid is urgent
EARTH AND NATURE - In the zoo behind closed doors, life goes on
EARTH AND NATURE - In spring, the hedgehog's life does not lack spice
LE 24 HOURS - Wolves and lynx are bored by visitors
AGEFI - A practically normal summer in sight for the ski lifts
YEAR 2019
THE COAST - A winter day in La Garenne
VOICE FROM JURA - A couple of young bearded vultures have arrived at La Garenne Park
VOICE OF JURA - Too cute ! Three marmots were born at Parc de La Garenne
MIGROS STORE - A day at the zoo
THE COAST - At La Garenne, a feast for all
YEAR 2018
THE COAST - New arrivals at the warren
THE COAST - Light on the discreet wild cat
LE 24 HOURS - A bearded vulture egg
THE COAST - New residents
PROGRESS - INTERREG relationship
LE 24HEURES - The male bearded vulture is incapable of reproducing
20 MINUTES - The male bearded vulture is unable to mate
20 MINUTES - A zoo at the bedside of red-necked ostriches
THE VOICE OF JURA - La Garenne park contributes to the reintroduction of endangered species
YEAR 2017
LE 24 HOURS - The bearded vultures of La Garenne are awaiting a happy event
THE COAST - An egg in the nest of a couple of vultures creates a surprise in La Garenne
THE COAST - 100,000 visitors to La Garenne
LE 24HEURES - Bearded vultures and lynx celebrate Valentine’s Day in La Garenne
LOISIRS.CH - Three little woolly pigs at the La Garenne zoo
THE COAST - La Garenne welcomed three woolly pigs
THE COAST - A day without screens in La Garenne
OUT JURA - A beaver comes to La Garenne
THE COAST - La Garenne rehabilitates injured animals in a state-of-the-art center
YEAR 2016
TIME - In La Garenne, 5-star barracks
PROGRESS - La Garenne park is getting a new look and is being modernized
SUNDAY MORNING - La Garenne park is moving and modernizing
EARTH AND NATURE - The wolves have returned to their dene
THE UNION EVENT - Promoting local biodiversity
YEAR 2015
THE COAST - She goes to run in Lapland for La Garenne
THE COAST - The little bearded vulture of La Garenne will migrate to Italy
RTS - 50th anniversary
YEAR 2014
THE COAST - The bearded vulture has left La Garenne
THE COAST – La Garenne welcomes Swiss scorpions
THE COAST - The future La Garenne zoo is taking shape
THE COAST - Little swimmers in solidarity with the zoo
YEAR 2013