Support La Garenne
A donation to support La Garenne and its missions.

Make a donation
The keeping and care we provide to wild animals that are brought to the car center are expensive. Each donation will be useful to us in order to realize our greatest wish… release these animals in their natural environment. Thank you!
To help us, you can donate to:
Foundation La Garenne
1261 Le Vaud
IBAN: CH05 0900 0000 1201 5647 8
CCP: 12-15647-8
Please do not forget to mention "donation" (your donation is tax-deductible).
For further information, please contact us at:
+41 (0) 22 366 11 14
Offer a plank on the wooden footbridge overlooking wolves and lynx
La Garenne has launched a campaign to allow for your permanent presence in the Parc. You can subscribe a wooden plank on the footbridge overlooking the enclosures of the wolves, lynx and wild boards. It is also possible to subscribe several planks and offer them to family, friends or even a company. An engraved medallion information, please use this link.
You can find details by clicking on this link.
Medallion location plan on the wooden footbridge (click here)
Dear donors,
Please use this link to find the location of your medallion on the footbridge.
The numbers are in ascending order, starting from the enclosure of the wolves and ending with that of the boars.
Thank you once again for your help. Your donation is tax-deductible.